This is the EXACT process we use to PACK our parties… and convert 90% or MORE of the guests into students!

B90Z KIDS PARTIES: How I turned birthday parties into the most profitable thing my schools have ever done... and in the process, helped over 500 schools achieve the same!
Limited Time Offer!
30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
Chris Casamassa here. Or you might remember me better as Scorpion from the original “Mortal Kombat” movie ;-)
What you may NOT know is that I run a 15-school empire out here in California.
But the truly surprising part?
MOST of our new students come from BIRTHDAY PARTIES.
I bet you don't hear that too often ;-)
On top of that:
- Our staff members run them by themselves, I don’t even show up! (And it’s our junior instructors at that!)
- Next, they LOVE running them! (Most instructors around the country HATE b-day parties!)
- Finally, we walk away from every party with 90% or more of the guests booked for intros.
Are you sick of hearing, “We had a great time!” ... yet no one books a lesson?
My parties weren't always awesome, believe me.
I used to work my a** off trying to throw the best parties I could.
The kids would love them, the parents would love them...
Yet whenever I brought up our classes and booking an intro... You could hear the crickets chirping. NO ONE signed up!
Still, everyone would say, “We had such a great time!”
It drove me insane.
I grew to hate those 6 little words!
Finally, one day...
... I stopped, took a deep breath, and asked myself, “Why am I not getting any students from these parties? What am I doing wrong?”
I meditated on that question. And then it hit me.
An idea came out of nowhere, as it often does in meditation (I’m sure you can relate).
It was so simple, yet so brilliant. I couldn’t help but laugh.
I put my idea to work... and was amazed when I suddenly turned birthdays into student-getting extravaganzas.
Just when I was at my wit’s end, I’d done it. I broke through the “wall.”
I knew the potential was there all along. Now, I’d finally figured out how to tap into it.
This system worked so well though that...
My intro booking rate from party guests SKYROCKETED from barely 10% to 90% and over EVERY TIME.
9 out of 10 kids book intros!
I was so happy I could cry!
The best part?
I still get paid $400 - $500 per party!
Parents basically pay me $500 to deliver me a room full of leads!
Well, since then I kept perfecting and perfecting the systems… I realized other schools needed it, too. That’s when I packaged it all into B90Z.
Today, over 500 martial art schools are using the B90Z KIDS PARTIES program and they LOVE IT.
Here’s what a few of them had to say...

“We tripled our intro booking rate. This is the real deal.”
I have been using this for years and highly recommend it. I don't usually endorse but this is the real deal. You will get great results. We literally tripled our intro booking rate!
R.S. Mitchell, School Owner

“From zero bookings to nearly 90% at EVERY party!”
Our Birthday parties are awesome now. The B90Z KIDS PARTIES system taught us how to go from zero bookings to nearly 90% at every party! The best part is we don’t have to sell anything!
Dedeuc K. D'Antonio, School Owner

“We now enroll 6-10 new kids BEFORE they even leave the party!”
We've been doing birthday parties for years. We usually enroll 2-3 students per party though sometimes it's a year later. Now we book 6-10 of them before they even leave the party!
Jacky B. Tullier, School Owner

“From booking maybe 1-2 kids to at least 9-10 enrollments per party!”
We went from doing good birthday parties to doing GREAT parties with the B90Z program. So easy to implement. We went from booking maybe 1-2 kids to at least 9-10 kids per party.
Shane Toland, School Owner

“Easily booking almost 100% of prospects at every party with NO SELLING!”
The B90Z success secrets have helped us grow our party program into a nice business within a business. What an amazing program. We can easily book almost 100% of available prospects at every party with NO SELLING!
William Anderson, School Owner
“One of the top ways we now get new students”
We used to get 1-2 students from Birthday parties but now with B90Z our Birthday Parties are one of the top ways we get intros and new students. B90z simplified the process for me and made it much easier to train my staff so they get phenomenal results. Now, we gain 10+ new students a month with Birthdays alone.
Shayne Simpson, School Owner

“... we now book three times as many intros from our parties.”
Chris Nott, School Owner

“I thought we did a good party, now we're doing AMAZING ones.”
Shelly Debin, School Owner

“20 years in business... one of the BEST programs we’ve ever used!”
Mike Vacca, School Owner

“Went from booking 1 kid (if we were lucky) to at least 7 out of 10, easily.”
Ashley Koenig, School Owner
Limited Time Offer!
Normally $997
Only $597!
No risk offer with our 30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee!

Plus, B90Z KIDS PARTIES are a Totally Done for You Program.
Just plug, play, & enjoy the results. Here’s everything that’s included...
Video Training Shows You a REAL Party in Action!
Don’t “guess” how to do it. Let me show you! Just watch the videos, and you’ll see a REAL-LIFE party of mine in action!
We hold nothing back from you. All of our secrets to successful, school-growing parties are yours.

Get JUNIOR Staff to Run Your Parties… And THANK You For It.
Discover how we get our JUNIOR instructors (that’s right - not even our senior instructors have to worry about it) to run the parties and LOVE every moment of it.
Wouldn’t you love to be able to do this, too? Let me show you how.
Grow Your Parties with Proven Print Pieces
Included are ready-to-print graphics and letters that sell, sell, sell.
- Invitations that include an injury waiver
- A letter to send prospects after the party to seal the deal on booking them for intros
- A letter for your current students to sell them on your birthday party experience
- A double-sided 3-panel brochure selling your birthday parties to current students
- 1-page price sheet that clearly spells out 3 different packages for parents to choose from (basic, deluxe, and x-treme!)
- And more!

Step-by-Step Manual Covers EVERYTHING
Next, flip through the included manual to understand HOW and WHY every part of our party works.
We also give you a full minute-by-minute layout of a party... activities and games that pre-frame parents to book intros... how to teach your "birthday" martial art class the RIGHT way... and more.

Open up the manual and discover:
- Why birthday parties hands down beat school talks and mass intros (the numbers don’t lie)
- How to train and pay staff for birthdays (and get just as good of results as if you were doing them yourself)
- 3 quick, overlooked steps for massive success with your parties
- The A to Z of prepping for your party (everything from 6 weeks out to the day of)
- A minute-by-minute breakdown of EXACTLY what you should do in your parties (games, activities, talking to parents, and more)
- Incredible action and fun that kids and parents LOVE(“Spinning Laser Rope,” “Ninja Dodge Ball,” “FREEZE FRAME,” and more!)
- Exactly how to structure your martial arts lesson in the party that makes parents want to SIGN UP TODAY (while still providing fun & education for the kids)
- How to close out the party so it ends with prospects eager for an intro.
- The Final Act: Here’s where the magic really happens, and here’s how to do it.
And more!

Private Facebook Group Access
Upon purchasing B90Z KIDS PARTIES, get instant access to our awesome Facebook group where we are always sharing new tips and tricks for getting the most out of your parties.
Plus! Other owners from around the world share their experiences too. It's also a great place to ask questions and get help!
Easy, Painless, Simple
When I put together B90Z KIDS PARTIES, I kept those 3 words in mind the entire time.
I didn’t want this to be another complicated program that you could barely understand. (I’ve bought plenty of those in my career - and hated every one!)
B90Z KIDS PARTIES system has been tested & proven across HUNDREDS of schools... THOUSANDS of times.
In fact, it more than pays for itself with your FIRST party.
But because I want this to be accessible for any school, anywhere...
The price is only $997 $597 when you buy TODAY.
Please take advantage of this amazing offer. It will NOT last!
Plus, feel 100% safe with our 30-day, 100% money back guarantee.
Your investment comes with our iron clad 100% money back guarantee.
Put the risk on my shoulders.Try B90Z KIDS PARTIES for yourself.
In 30 days if you’re not happy with the system and the results, let us know and we will refund your purchase. It’s that simple.
I KNOW this program works. I’ve heard too many stories and testimonials of its success to count, not to mention my own massive success across our 15 schools.
So it’s easy for me to make you this offer.
So what do you say? You in?
Then click the button below & let’s grow your school!
Chris Casamassa
Red Dragon CEO & Founder B90Z KIDS PARTIES

Limited Time Offer!
$997 $597!
30 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
Have questions? We've Got you covered!
FIRST, grab your program access of B90Z KIDS PARTIES system because this special offer really will NOT last!
Remember, it’s risk-free with our guarantee.
Then, if you have ANY questions at all, feel free to reach out: