What's The Difference Between Good & Great? 

The People You Surround Yourself With 


All The People You Need To Build A Successful Business

However, becoming a success is hard and REQUIRES a network of people with diverse skills, connections and influence beyond your own.

Look, by now everyone knows that the single most efficient way to build your highest level of success is by finding peers who will have your back.

You also know that joining the right mastermind group is the fastest and easiest shortcut in the world to building such a network. 

But BEWARE: Not all masterminds are created equal, not by a long shot. 

Some so-called "masterminds" let anyone with a credit card join. These aren't really masterminds at all; instead they're just soft networks where members lack commitment or stamina or even a functioning business that is thriving (all things needed in order succeed).

There's no need to pay to hang out with losers and complainers, we all have plenty of them inside our everyday life.

So when you click below you will be taken to an application page and then we will schedule a call to make sure we can help you and to make sure that you are good fit for us.

And if you are not willing to do those two things... well, we already know the answer.


But if you believe you have what it takes and you are tired of the "Status Quo"  

Read on for more


Real Talk: We Might Not Be The Right Group For You


Now, let’s see if Business Kombat is a good fit for you!

It’s right for you if…

  •  You are willing to admit you don’t know it all.
  •  You believe in the value of good information
  •  You are committed to growing yourself AND your team.
  •  You are ready and willing to not only share your thoughts and ideas, but also accept feedback from a community with ideas that may challenge your original beliefs.
  •  You respect others and are open to supporting a diverse community of fellow “Martial Art Entrepreneurs”.

It’s not right for you if

  •  You’re motivated by status, or recognition…in other words, we aren’t here to feed your ego.
  •  You’re scarcity minded and believe the "guy down the street" is actually your problem
  •  You only surround yourself with people who look, think, and act just like you.
  •  You aren’t willing to be accountable for your actions and choices 
  •  You expect success to come quickly, easily, and are looking to scratch and claw your way to the top at the expense of others.


Your Success Starts Today

Are you ready to get the mentorship and guidance you need, so you can start building the business you want? The opportunity is right here, right now... Grab it. No more excuses. Real results. Guaranteed.

Yes, I am Ready to Apply

Have Questions? 

Great, that's a sign of a successful leader. The kind of leader who takes focused action. So, take the action of booking the call. You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. 

Remember, it’s risk-free with our guarantee.

Write me at [email protected]