The 10 Best Ways to Attract New Members

Uncategorized Nov 29, 2020

Kombat Attraction- Level 1

In this short video we break down 1 segment of the 10 ways you can gain new members without spending any extra money.

You started your martial arts business because you wanted to share your art with the communities you serve..

Now you will learn the reliable system needed to keep new members consistently flowing into your location every week. 

Stop worrying "If" new members will come in. Let us show you HOW to get them. So you can focus on what's most important: Teaching your art to the world!

The Bottom Line: You are either growing by gaining new members and keeping current ones. or your are slowly dying, by losing members and not enrolling enough new ones.

Our course helps you grow and thrive so you can enjoy teaching more people with less stress.

These are the foundational strategies that have stood the test of time and will allow you to thrive in ANY economy. 

Grab full access to this course here: Business Kombat New Members

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