Business Insider Success Series

Uncategorized Jun 01, 2020



This one is pretty simple. But in todays "digital world" too many business owners are overlooking it.

And that is....Print. 

Now, even with todays websites, facebook ads, google ads, funnels, emails and SMS systems…. print hasn't gone away. We just need to adapt and change the way that we look at it and how we can use it to effectively capture new members.

What we are mainly focusing on here is printed material you “give away” when doing events, carnivals, booths, and of course donations.

Yes, Donations.

Donations are like respect. You gotta give it to get it.

We should always be giving back to the communities that we serve. The easiest way to accomplish this by partnering up with local PTAs, or PTO organizations, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts , churches, parks and rec centers, local sports teams, little league, pop Warner football, soccer leagues, in other words ANYONE who needs “in kind” donations.  

“In Kind” does not  always equal CASH.

When schools and athletic clubs ask us to “sponsor” or donate cash. Our answer is always the same: Yes. but... giving back, means donating things out from your business that these schools, churches other local community groups can “raffle off” and make money from or they can give away to their members as value added contest prizes. 

When doing these type of donations, the wins for your business are: 

  1. Awareness of your brand. 
  2. Free advertising of your business. 
  3. A flood of potential new member(s) because the people who win or buy will bring them back to you to redeem. 

By donating to local community groups and schools and asking nothing in return, you position yourself and you company as the GO TO source for everything 

Now….. What to give away? ... 

Here are our top suggestions

A free week of training, & a free shirt. (a $29 value)

Two free weeks and a free uniform. (a $49 value)

1 Month of unlimited classes (a $149 value)

1 Free martial arts Birthday party for up to 10 kids (a $249 value)

Stickers, pencils, pop sockets, baseball caps,

Plus several variations of the above if you also offer cardio/ fitness kickboxing.

Always put a “VALUE” on the prizes. 

There is a two fold reason for this:

  1. The company or person you donated to sees how “much” you are giving away. 
  2. In most states charity contributions are TAX DEDUCTIBLE (check your local laws)

The point here is simple. Give back to the community, and the community will serve you and help you impact even more people.

What does all that have to do with PRINTING? 


Have these DONATION prizes professionally printed packaged and ready to go. If you want to see examples PM on FB. Or email me: [email protected]


We get our stickers and other cool promo material from our friends at Sticker Mule. They are fast, professional and their quality is top notch.

To review: the number four thing that you need is, you gotta do flyers. You gotta do marketing. You gotta do ad cards. And you gotta DONATE.

 Printing and printed material are still part and parcel of what we do.

In our next series we will discuss the importance of having a PARTY!

See you soon

PS- Want more cool content, strategies and success tips that are easy to implement into your business? Check our blog Learn from the people who are actually doing it, now. We get it. We are school owners too! It's not magic. It's not hype. It's not theory. It's a plan, born from a passion of the arts and has become our mission with a purpose. When you have the blueprint and you get the right guidance it will take you from where you are.... to where you want to be!  Period. Find out more at

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