The Business Kombat Success Blog

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Unlocking Success: Building Your Martial Arts Business and your Team

advice blog business coaching Aug 02, 2023

Growing a successful martial arts business takes dedication, hard work, and a solid plan. If you're looking to take your business to the next level, having a business coach can make all the difference. In this blog post, we'll explore the invaluable insights and guidance a business coach can provide while also diving into the essential elements for success in the martial arts industry.

Building a Strong Foundation

To build a strong foundation for your martial arts business, you need to establish a clear vision and mission, a strong brand identity, and an effective business plan. Your business coach will be there to support and guide you through this crucial phase. Together, you'll create an inspiring vision that outlines your long-term goals and aspirations. Your mission will be concise and actionable, specifying how you'll achieve those goals. Your coach will help you craft a compelling brand identity that resonates with your target audience, ensuring your business stands out from...

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When you should (and should not) raise your rates

I’ve gotten this question so many times and it really makes my blood boil. Not so much at the question itself, but at the underlying psychology behind it.

And the question is: Should I raise my rates?

My answer: YES! Stop over thinking it. Stop it. Just raise your rates.

Here's why. You are worth more. In fact, 95% of you reading this right now are UNDERCHARGING!

The first digit in your monthly tuition price should be a 2. As in $200+ per month.

You owe NO ONE an explanation... (unless your plan is to raise current active paying member rates-which I'll discuss below)

As you already know, everything else in our world increases in price every year, heck, some things even increase every month. Yet, too many martial art school owners don't increase their rates.

Seriously, think about it, gas, milk, electricity, dry cleaning, beer, wine. water, airline prices, gymnastic lessons, health insurance, college tuition, gym memberships, rent, mortgage, payroll, internet, cell phones,...

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