The Business Kombat Success Blog

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The Best Way to Re-Activate members


BONUS Clip from the Business Kombat Live show:

Adam Kifer and I drop KILLER CONTENT for School owners
How to get your "Pre- Covid" Members REACTIVATED, and back into your studio.
How to position your business for "Post Covid" Success.
Campaign for your "Grand Re-opening"
We specialize in helping Martial Art School owners keep their business thriving and not just surviving.
Got a question for us? Comment below and we will get it covered in a future episode of Business Kombat LIVE!
Need questions answered right away? PM me @ChrisCasamassa The Dojo Doctor. I'm Always happy to help!
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Best Ways to Reactivate members- COVID 19

Uncategorized Jun 29, 2020

In this episode of the Business Kombat Live show:

Adam Kifer and I drop KILLER CONTENT for School owners
How to get your "Pre- Covid" Members REACTIVATED, and back into your studio.
How to position your business for "Post Covid" Success.
Campaign for your "Grand Re-opening"
We specialize in helping Martial Art School owners keep their business thriving and not just surviving.
Got a question for us?
Send us an email: [email protected] and we will get it covered in a future episode of Business Kombat LIVE!
We are always happy to help!

To your success!

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Business Insider Success Series

Uncategorized Jun 01, 2020



This one is pretty simple. But in todays "digital world" too many business owners are overlooking it.

And that is....Print. 

Now, even with todays websites, facebook ads, google ads, funnels, emails and SMS systems…. print hasn't gone away. We just need to adapt and change the way that we look at it and how we can use it to effectively capture new members.

What we are mainly focusing on here is printed material you “give away” when doing events, carnivals, booths, and of course donations.

Yes, Donations.

Donations are like respect. You gotta give it to get it.

We should always be giving back to the communities that we serve. The easiest way to accomplish this by partnering up with local PTAs, or PTO organizations, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts , churches, parks and rec centers, local sports teams, little league, pop Warner football, soccer leagues, in other words ANYONE who needs “in...

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The Fastest way to Success

Uncategorized Jan 28, 2020

Here is your chance to be crystal clear with your vision and learn how to Dominate 2020!

For the past few weeks, I’ve been posting content about easy and practically free ways you can grow your Business.

Those are the first steps for long term business success.  

Now, its time to BLOW PAST your goals and fast track your success.

Be around the top minds in our industry and work side by side with the people who are doing it NOW!

The Dojo Doctors Mastermind training event is made JUST FOR MARTIAL ART SCHOOL OWNERS and here’s why that’s important to you:

If you’re tired of struggling with your business or riding the roller coaster of the good month/bad month cycle.

If you are trying to earn more in less time working with members you love.

If you are in need of instructors and trainers who are passionate and on the same page as you.

If you understand that social media is important in today’s business model but you just can’t seem to...

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The single WORST thing you could do in a Martial Arts business

As a Mastermind coach and a full time martial arts business owner, I've been getting this question asked to me a lot lately by other Martial Art school owners. The question is: “Should we raise our rates on our existing members?”

My successful high level coaching clients already know the answer, however, I wanted to take a few moments and clarify my opinion on this topic for all.

The short answer is no. Absolutely not.

It is my professional opinion, that raising rates to your current members is probably one of the single worst things that you could do in your martial art based membership business. There is a far better solution to make raising rates a win-win situation that I will explain in a moment.

But first, allow me to expand on why I say no:

…..Imagine you are a customer at a service based business and you've been there for awhile, you've been a loyal customer, you're mostly happy. Then, one day, the owner of the business comes to you and says, ...

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The Real Secret to Owning a Successful Martial Arts Business

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2019

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought to yourself: Why am I not farther ahead by now….Why don't I have more students?, Why am I not making more money and why am  I struggling by following my passion? 

If you've had those thoughts, you're not alone. 

I have the answers that you need… but they're probably a little different than you might think.

Look, we've been at this for a very long time. We've got 12 successful locations. We’ve been doing this fo rover 50 years. (yes, 50) We’ve got thousands of martial arts students. Our company has generated millions of dollars in revenue. 

BUT- I’m not telling you that to impress you. I'm telling you that to impress upon you the importance of having a systems driven business.

Now, the amazing thing is our systems don't just work for our company. They work for any martial arts school, in any martial arts style. 

How do I know? We’ve got the testimonials to prove it.

And you...

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How You CanĀ Stop Struggling to "Get by."Ā Even if You Only Have 25 Members Right Now!

Uncategorized Jun 03, 2019

WANTED: Business & Systems Training for The 21st Century.

We have felt the same anxiety all business owners face when it comes to  trying to earn a decent living while teaching the martial arts.

We understand how it feels to constantly struggle to get new members, and to keep current members, to be unsure if your business will survive another 6 months, to make rent, electricity, phone, internet, payroll.....  

We understand the frustration of trying advertising and marketing that just doesn't seem to work right. 

We get it. We were there too. 

We learned a thousand  hard lessons about business, then finally  it all changed.

We got systems in place, we got guidance and mentorship, we kept tweaking and refining the systems so they were duplicatable and reliable and could be done by anyone.. not just us.We unlocked the secret to gaining new members faster while keeping current members longer.

What we found, developed and...

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Finally a summer without CAMPS! {Insider Secrets}

Uncategorized May 19, 2019

Summer time = Summer camp time at your martial arts school?

We all know It's never to early to start planning for summer.


For a less stressful more impactful summer check out our simple (and fun) way to keep your members engaged and excited during summer.

We promise your staff will LOVE you for doing this

First WATCH THE VID for details

Then click here to grab the FREE 8 Week Summer blueprint!

Follow it and advertise to your members ahead of time in your school newsletter, through email and text messaging and then follow up on your social media channels to let your members know how "cool your school"  will be this summer!

Lets have a blast this summer and keep our current students engaged, excited and eager to come back for MORE!!

For more great ideas on ways to keep your students excited and engaged over the summer, follow our FB and Instagram page @thedojodoctors. Lets all work together to keep students active...

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The REAL VIP Experience

Uncategorized May 05, 2019


When you really think about it- We all want to get treated like a VIP. to feel personally connected and empowered by the buying experience or to have  proximity to the leader or head of the company or even to get that special offer, deal or discount.

As a business owner it should be priority #1 to start building a relationship with your potential clients, your audience, your current members, or your students, and find out ways you can continue to make them feel special. Before you offer them anything else- 


Ask them: what they want, what they need, What they are looking for and even more important BE HONEST with them and yourself.... Can you really help them or are you just trying to make a buck? There are a variety of survey tools and apps out there that can help you facilitate the answers you need, but in my experience the easiest and most reliable way is to ask in person and in confidence not in front of a group or in a crowded...

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5 ways to make your customers feel like a million!

Uncategorized Apr 20, 2019

Communication is an essential part of any relationship–even with your customers! As a business you may view your relationship with your customers similar to that of a personal relationship–one that needs to be cultivated, respected, and, of course, mutually rewarding. Without these qualities a customer may become dissatisfied and look for alternative places to do business, namely your competitors. However, with proper care and nurturing, you can build a relationship with your customers that will last a lifetime and may even turn them into ambassadors of your brand.

Here are five ways you can nurture a relationship with customers and hopefully keep them coming back:

1. Be personal

Personalization, while not a new trend, is definitely a good marketing habit that will help nurture a relationship with your customers. Being personal shows that you care about your customer’s preferences. For example, if you’re a local store and you send an email blast with a...

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